Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Preteen Workshop Sunday

I was just wanting to let ya'll know that this Sunday at Community Chapel a Preteens Workshop will be offered. I know I need all the help I can get, if you could use a few pointers when navigating through the unknown I hope you will join us.
PWorkshop & Dessert
Feb. 27 ~ 6pm
in the auditorium

I realize this video has nothing to do with a preteen, but my daughter who is 11 would not let me post her video, she actually said she would die (with that incredibly dramatic voice ) if I posted it, wanting to reserve the little bit of sanity I have left I agreed. Hoping Mark can help me out with that. :) So here is my 4 year old who will some day be a preteen. You can mute the music at the bottom of the page.
Take 1
Take 2

Take 3

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The chicken song (take two) with a little polish has hit written all over it!